Hangnails also known as agnails are small,torn pieces of dry skin surrounding your fingernail or toenail. Hangnails are often caused by dry skin(dry cuticles), biting of nails or improper cutting of fingernails. These can be prevented with proper supple of moisture to the skin.
When trying to remove hangnails try not to rip them off with your hands because additional skin may be ripped off of its attachment if its not broken off properly. Thus, it is advisable to use a nail clipper or nail scissor to remove them.
***Do not bite your nails because it aid in the forming of hangnails.
Personally, I also experience dry cuticles which may result in hangnails. For me, I'm using a "almond oil cuticle and nail balm" from "The Body Shop". I simply love it because of it's rich content. And importantly is that it works wonders!!! After few nights of continuous usage, there is a vastly improvement on my dry cuticles conditions. Not only of the rich content it had, it also had a sweet scent. =) )
I would use the balm before bedtime because it's the best time to feed the cuticles. I would spread a small amount of the balm on my nail area and its surrounding to moisture them. For better result, you may like to wear a gloves after applications.
The only shortcoming of this product is that some ladies will find it pricey because it's $10+. However, I feel that it's a "good to have" item and a "good investment". Getting a good product is better then getting alot of them cheap but useless product.
Rating: 9/10
The Wonders...

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